CSS Namespaces implementation report for Opera 10.51


pass na fail crash

Test numbers in italic are failure/error tests and are likely to contain invalid CSS, yet are still quite useful for testing error handling in UAs.


Opera version 10.51 PC/Windows XP SP3 Presto/2.5.22 22 March 2010 Opera Software ASA Daniel Glazman 08 April 2010 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Namespace/20090210/

@namespace case-insensitivity syntax-001
duplicate @namespace declarations syntax-010
@namespace syntax with escapes syntax-002
string comparison (no URI resolving) syntax-011
@namespace default namespace syntax syntax-003
whitespace and comment handling syntax-012
@namespace url() with escape syntax-004
@namespace error handling syntax-013
@namespace string and url() syntax syntax-005
@namespace and invalid at-rules syntax-014
invalid ordering of @namespace and @import syntax-006
invalid URI syntax-015
@namespace and @charset syntax-007
escapes in prefix syntax-008
escaped vertical bar in qualified name syntax-009
scope <style> scope-001
scope @import scope-002
Declaring Prefixes
prefix case-sensitivity prefix-001
empty string prefix (Explicit element namespace) prefix-002
empty string prefix (Implied element namespace) prefix-003
empty string default namespace prefix-004
no default namespace prefix-005
no prefix prefix-006