CSS Namespaces implementation report for JSCSSP


pass na fail crash

Test numbers in italic are failure/error tests and are likely to contain invalid CSS, yet are still quite useful for testing error handling in UAs.


JSCSSP all platforms JSCSSP 07 May 2010 Daniel Glazman Daniel Glazman 07 May 2010 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Namespace/20090210/

@namespace case-insensitivity syntax-001
duplicate @namespace declarations syntax-010
@namespace syntax with escapes syntax-002
string comparison (no URI resolving) syntax-011
@namespace default namespace syntax syntax-003
whitespace and comment handling syntax-012
@namespace url() with escape syntax-004
@namespace error handling syntax-013
@namespace string and url() syntax syntax-005
@namespace and invalid at-rules syntax-014
invalid ordering of @namespace and @import syntax-006
invalid URI syntax-015
@namespace and @charset syntax-007
escapes in prefix syntax-008
escaped vertical bar in qualified name syntax-009
scope <style> scope-001
scope @import scope-002
Declaring Prefixes
prefix case-sensitivity prefix-001
empty string prefix (Explicit element namespace) prefix-002
empty string prefix (Implied element namespace) prefix-003
empty string default namespace prefix-004
no default namespace prefix-005
no prefix prefix-006